The State Theatre is your theatre. Your home for just about everything, from live theatre, music and great films, to just about any type of local event you can imagine. It is critical to our mission to be available to all who call Centre County our home, whether it’s for several years or for a lifetime. To do so, we need your support.
Please consider making a meaningful gift to The State Theatre. Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated. We would be honored to meet with you in person or virtually to discuss additional ways in which you may support our important work.
Any contribution, big or small, puts a smile on our faces and a bounce in our step. Give monthly and we do a little dance. We hope you’ll join in!
Members get all sorts of great perks. Tickets before they’re available to the public, gift cards, merch. Take a peek at the levels of giving below and sign up today!
At The State Theatre, we have an active opera community, The State Theatre Opera Buffs. It keeps growing every year and we’d love to see it continue. We offer great benefits for those that show their support by joining. The continuation of the opera broadcasts hinges on your support.
Don’t forget to check out our Opera Listings for a peak at what’s on and what’s coming up!
The State Theatre invites you or your company to become a part of our future. Our event sponsors are dynamic corporations or individuals that understand the importance of bringing a diversity of arts to the community as well as supporting local performing arts groups. Each film or production offers a unique opportunity for us to partner with you to help you promote yourself or entertain your clients.
Sponsorships include promotions on all marketing including posters, website, and email announcements to 25,000 email addresses. It also includes the use of our upper lobby (The Attic) for receptions when available.
Additional sponsorships are available for:
In 2006, the State College and Centre County community came together to revive the arts and support The State Theatre’s re-opening. Our Producers are individuals and companies who had donated or pledged $10,000 or more in support of The State Theatre’s renovation.
Our Producers are our most valued supporters. They are individuals and companies who have donated or pledged $10,000 or more in support of The State Theatre.
In return, Producers receive these benefits:
Become a Producer today by filling out our Producer Pledge Form (PDF format). Join these generous supporters below in bringing inspiring performances to our community.
Allegheny Power
Jill Anderson
The Arjmand Family
Borough of State College
Dick & Cheryl Campbell
Bob & Lisa Campbell
Fred Carlin
John & Margaret Cieply
Citizens Bank
Centre County Community
Foundation, Inc.
Central PA Convention & Visitors Bureau
Lisa & Brian Cohen
Bill Coleman
Dayton & Sheri Coles
Mimi Coppersmith
Jane & Tom Derr Family
Michael & Julia Desmond
John & Lisa Dimakopoulos
Downtown State College Improvement District
Galen & Nancy Dreibelbis
Carol & Steve Falke
First National Bank
Michael & Megan Flanagan and Family
Rod & Casey Fletcher & Robert Medsger, Frost & Conn
Vicki Fong & Greg & Harley Grieco
Hotel State College
Helen S. Forman and Donna Litke
Sidney & Helen Friedman and Family
Fulton Bank, John Rogers
Blake & Linda Gall
David & Ginny Glickman
Jodi L. Green
Don Hamer and Marie Bednar
John Lloyd Hanson
Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.
Heim Family
Nathan Henning, Centre Chemical
Jackie & John Hook
Hotel State College & Co.
Mr.& Mrs J. Lloyd Huck
Rich & Sally Kalin
Fred Kissinger
Nadine Kofman & Bill Welch
Landscape II
Bruce & Judy Lingenfelter and Family
Dr. Roy & Cindy Love
Mad Mex State College
Peter & Bonnie Marshall
John R. and Jeanette D. McWhirter
Debbie Meder & Elaine Meder-Wilgus
Minitab, Inc.
Dr. Tom Nardozzo
Michael Negra & Wanda L. White
Moon Brothers Landscaping
Nittany Office Equipment
Dorothy O’Connor
Barbara R. Palmer
Henry and Sara Parks
Patton Township
Poole Anderson Construction
Eric J. Porterfield
Polly, Dennis & Dan Rallis
Bill and Judy Ray
RE/MAX Centre Realty
Mike Reid
Chuck Rider
William F. Ryan and Joan T. Richtsmeier
S&A Homes
Alex Sahakian
DrueAnne Schreyer
Sekula Signs
Lance & Ellen Shaner
Paul & K.C. Sheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shelow
Phil & Judy Sieg
Paul & Nancy Silvis
Richard and Jeane Singer
James & Anna Lee Smith
Smith Partnership
Gregory & Janice Somers
Teresa & Francis Sparacino
State College Ford/ Mr. John A. Morris
State College Magazine / Marlene & George Sample
State College Urologic Assoc.
H. Campbell Stuckeman
James & Jeanne Swistock
Mike Talone
Doloris A. Taricani
The Tavern Restaurant
The Tombros Foundation
Peter and Ann Tombros
University Orthopedic Center:
Dr. Greg and Jill Bailey
Drs. Ken and Melanie Cherry
Dr. Tom and Kate Ellis
Dr. Ed and Patricia Rogusky
C. J. & Susan Wagner
Rex & Carol Warland
Anthony C. Warren & Kirsten H. Jepp
George & Nina Woskob
Andrew A. & Catherine H. Zangrilli
Robert K. & Jane W. Zimmerman
Zola New World Bistro